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  1. Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.

  2. Charles Manson

  3. Charmin toilet tissue

  4. Judy Garland

  5. 747 Jumbo Jet

  6. The Concorde

  7. That within any organization every employee will be promoted until they reach a level of incompetence. In other words, a person will keep climbing the business ladder until they can no longer do their job well.

  8. Chicago 7

  9. Monty Python’s Flying Circus

  10. Midnight Cowboy

  11.  Draft lottery

  12.  New York

  13.  A home computer. Called the “Kitchen Computer” it weighed over 100 pounds and was advertised as “useful for storing recipes.”

  14.  Intel

  15.  Woodstock

  16.  A Boy Named Sue

  17.  Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins

  18.  Sesame Street

  19.  Paul McCartney

  20.  Star Trek

  21.  Wendy’s

  22.  Golda Meir, who once reminded us, “Don't be so humble - you are not that great.”

  23.  True

  24.  Speak & Spell didn’t arrive until 1975.

  25.  Boris Karloff

  26. The Tijuana Brass’ first big hit “The Lonely Bull” debuted in 1962.

  27.  Dwayne Johnson is the youngster. He was born in 1972.

  28.  Cigarettes

  29.  It was the first recorded case of HIV/AIDS.

  30.  Easy Rider

  31. “Get Together”

  32.  The very first Internet. It connected four computers.

  33.  Allen Funt of TV’s “Candid Camera” show.

  34.  Jane Goodall

  35.  A jet plane.

  36. The ATM.

  37.  Seattle Pilots

  38.  Bill Cosby

  39. Grace Slick

  40. The Egg McMuffin was a product of the 70s.

We grade on the curve so if you got more than 27 correct you can count yourself as a top notch "69er."

If you scored less than 15, tutoring is available after school in Mr. Olpinski's room B-210.

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